Thursday 4 September 2014

The scores on the doors: Emigre 5* – Zembla 1

Congratulations to Level 3 students Nicky Carroll, Emily Price, Kurtis Weaver and Katherine West (double semi-finalist) who, along with seven of our graduating students from 2013/14 were all shortlisted in the recent Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2014.

This international competition showcases promising student designers who have created projects using Adobe creative software.

Nicky’s Pencil publication, which responded to a brief entitled ‘everything about one thing’ 
(Category: Design Communications)

One of a series of posters for Tokyo Ocean by Emily produced as part of the level 2 final major project.

(Category: Design Communications)

Feel Good Drinks poster by Kurtis – one of a series of posters to raise awareness of the Feel Good brand
(Category: Illustration/Animation)

Katherine’s typographic exploration of Morse Code publication and Tokyo Ocean publication both shortlisted within the Design Communication category.

*The additional Emigre point is for Josh Nurse who was shortlisted in the Design Bridge Bursary Scheme 2013/14.